What Students are Saying
“Thank you so much for the opportunity you’ve given to me and all of my peers — to learn about what can happen when hate and prejudice are allowed to seep into the very soul of a nation.”
— Liam, Northgate High School, Walnut Creek, CA
“Experiencing the Holocaust in this way, made it more emotional, and gave me a greater understanding about what actually happened. Thank you.”
— Addie, Northgate High School, Walnut Creek, CA
“I am half white and half Chinese and am proud of my heritage. I cannot fathom having to erase one’s identity to fit in a society, which is why I am extremely grateful to see The Mitzvah Project,to learn what many had to do to stay alive.”
— Kyle, Northgate High School, Walnut Creek, CA
“I thought that I knew a lot about the Holocaust, but after experiencing your presentation I realized how much my education had missed. I think this should be presented at every high school in the country.”
— Hunter, Northgate High School, Walnut Creek, CA
“The play [The Mitzvah] gave me a whole new perspective on the Holocaust, by bringing it alive.”